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Tuesday, May 15, 2007


The Virginia Tech massacre had been such a huge event. An event which would leave behind fears in many of the students who had witnessed it. An event which led to the death of 32 other people. An event which has a lesson to be learnt.

Is it correct to entirely blame Cho Seung-Hui for this massacre?
Is this massacre entirely inevitable?

I have to admit that part of my heart goes out to Cho Seung-Hui. He left a message expressing his inner feelings of how he felt. "Did you want to inject as much misery in our lives as you can just because you can? "quoted from him. Nobody can stand being a loner, having no one to fend for him. It makes one feel helpless and dejected. This lonliness in him had slowly turned into anger. At least two of his teachers had noticed the change in his tone and behaviour of his works. If only they had put in a little more care and effort in understanding him, perhaps all these would not have happened.

Yet, I disagree on what he had done.

It is partly at fault with the students and teachers to have neglected Cho Seung-Hui's presence. But this massacre is definately not necessary. The lives of 32 other people was innocently taken away. "Each of these people had so much love, talent and gifts to offer, and their lives were cut short by a horrible and senseless act," as quoted from Cho Seung-Hui's sister.

I hope that this would be a lesson learnt. We should not take for granted someone's presence. Everybody needs some love and care.

♥Bid Farewell

Thursday, April 26, 2007

'Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news'.
Discuss this with references to recent events.

I agree to the statement 'Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news' to a large extent.

First of all, let me define mass media. It means 'all of the communications media that reach a large audience, especially television, radio, and newspapers'.

The recent news on the break up of Prince William and his girlfriend has definately caught my attention. First, we have an article stating about how the break up came about because of the fact that William is currently an officer in Dorset and Kate, his girlfriend, living alone in london. Also in the same article, it mentioned about the news reporting William's friend's speech. Now, how true is it that it was reallt Willian's friend's speech? That is not all. Soon later, the next article about their break-up was published. This time, it reported that it was Kate's mother who was behind the reason for the break up. I would not call this a form of 'reporting news' but 'making news'. These articles seem to be contradicting itself. The doubts from these news will question the readers to wonder if what they have written is correct. If this is so, how can this be a 'report'?

Also, recently there has been a new section which is a part of The Straits Times. It is none other than 'STOMP'. (http://www.stomp.com.sg/) It is a form of mass media which allows the people to send in their 'news'. How true are these 'news' that they have written? Yes, it does allows the people to be given a chance to voice their opinions over certain issues. But, are these news trustworthy? This is definately a question we must clarify.

Not forgetting the magazines which acts as a form of leisure to us. We have often seen and read in these magazines many gossips. Are they reporting them? I do not think so. It seems like they have been coming up with their own stories so as to attract the attention of the consumers.

Of course, there are news such as the that on the pay rise for ministers which was just published not too long ago that was actually reported. For example, the articles included tables and charts on the price that the ministers are paid. These actually shows us some examples. Moreover, it allows transparency of the government.

In conclusion, I feel that the mass media need to start thinking about they way the publish their news. They must know that they do not need to put in effort to make a news 'appear' interesting. News being news will naturally be attracted to the readers. Hence, they should just post the real insights.

♥Bid Farewell

'Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news'.
Discuss this with references to recent events.

I agree to the statement 'Nowadays, the mass media do not report the news; they make the news' to a large extent.

First of all, let me define mass media. It means 'all of the communications media that reach a large audience, especially television, radio, and newspapers'.

The recent news on the break up of Prince William and his girlfriend has definately caught my attention. First, we have an article stating about how the break up came about because of the fact that William is currently an officer in Dorset and Kate, his girlfriend, living alone in london. Also in the same article, it mentioned about the news reporting William's friend's speech. Now, how true is it that it was reallt Willian's friend's speech? That is not all. Soon later, the next article about their break-up was published. This time, it reported that it was Kate's mother who was behind the reason for the break up. I would not call this a form of 'reporting news' but 'making news'. These articles seem to be contradicting itself. The doubts from these news will question the readers to wonder if what they have written is correct. If this is so, how can this be a 'report'?

Also, recently there has been a new section which is a part of The Straits Times. It is none other than 'STOMP'. (http://www.stomp.com.sg/) It is a form of mass media which allows the people to send in their 'news'. How true are these 'news' that they have written? Yes, it does allows the people to be given a chance to voice their opinions over certain issues. But, are these news trustworthy? This is definately a question we must clarify.

Not forgetting the magazines which acts as a form of leisure to us. We have often seen and read in these magazines many gossips. Are they reporting them? I do not think so. It seems like they have been coming up with their own stories so as to attract the attention of the consumers.

Of course, there are news such as the that on the pay rise for ministers which was just published not too long ago that was actually reported. For example, the articles included tables and charts on the price that the ministers are paid. These actually shows us some examples. Moreover, it allows transparency of the government.

In conclusion, I feel that the mass media need to start thinking about they way the publish their news. They must know that they do not need to put in effort to make a news 'appear' interesting. News being news will naturally be attracted to the readers. Hence, they should just post the real insights.

♥Bid Farewell

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

“YouTube has no ethics, it's been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money.”
Do you agree?

I agree with the statement that “YouTube has no ethics, it's been created for the sole purpose of entertainment and money.”

Firstly, the defination of entertainment is the amount of pleasure or amusement somebody gets from something. Most of the videos that are put up in YouTube are music videos, funny videos of encounters and movie videos. All of these are forms of entertainment. Even documentaries is a form of entertainment, just that it appeals to a different group of people. Since almost all the videos are entertaining videos, would you not agree that YouTube's objective is entertainment? And since they earn from these entertainment they provide, money would also be their purpose wouldn't it?

Secondly, the recent event of having a 44-second film showing graffiti over the Thailand king's face being aired goes to show how ethical YouTube's videos are. Also in the case of Singapore, racists videos are occasionally being put up too. Entertaining? Yes. Ethical? NO.

But, the internet nowadays is so broad and wide. It is difficult or impossible to place restrictions on the videos that people put up. It is also just as difficult to restrain people from viewing the videos. Hence, such incidents are inevitable.

I can only conclude that in this high-technology, fast-paced society, everybody has to be responsible for what you do on the internet. It is all in your moral and righteousness. Entertainment can be attained without having to put down or make fun of other cultures, races or even any particular individual.

♥Bid Farewell

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

'The teenage years are the best years of one's life'
Would you agree with this view?

Yes, I would definately agree with the staement 'the teenage years are the best years of one's life'.
So, what exactly makes me feel so strongly about teenage years being the best years of one's life?
When was the period of time when your mood swings so drastically that you felt that it was beyond your control? That it was going to be the end of the world tomorrow? And silly thoughts like self-mutilation comes into your mind? It has got to be during your teenage years. The kind of feelings getting into and out of depressions totally spoil one's mood. But compare it to when you were a child, when the worst case scenarios can be easily solved by calling out to your mother. Next, compare it to adulthood, when these thoughts of doom are so immature and irrational. Definately incomparable.
Teenage years allow you to get 'emo'. It is a period of time whereby you start to understand yourself. The period of time you search for the true you. And, that is where it is the best. Teenage years is the turning point of one's life, once you passed that period of time, your personality, character, behaviour are almost all determined. Throughout the search of one's self, we struggle, yet we get better. So, it is obviously the best time of one's life.
Although some may disagree and point out that during teenage years, teenagers will hurt themselves by cutting themselves. I do agree that this is very alarming and common among teenagers nowadays, but then again, is it not just their way of 'looking for the real self'? It is wrong to do so, but they will learn. The best part is not the self-inflicted injuries, but the process of searching for the real you.
Hence, it is clearly illustrated that 'the teenage years are the best years of one's life'.

♥Bid Farewell

Sunday, March 25, 2007


Alrights, since this is a GP blog.
It shall be written in perfect english.

I'm Ang See Yuen.
I was previously from Punggol Primary School and Xinmin Secondary School.
Currently in AJC. duh! Class 31/07.
My CCA is volleyball. I'm proud to be a volleyballer. xP

General Paper is definately not something I like, but as long as I'm in AJC, I'll learn to like and appreciate it.
I'm not sure if i mean what i say. >.<

Whatever the case, General Paper will be marked and graded.
Let's just do our very best.

My GP journey shall begin from here..
Takecare my readers. xD

♥Bid Farewell


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March 2007
April 2007
May 2007